Office Entrance Matting

Office entrance matting performs many functions from complementing a building’s aesthetic to essential dirt and moisture trapping. A building’s entrance is the first touchpoint for visitors and employees. Creating an appealing and welcoming entrance area can promote a sense of wellbeing.

Correct and accurate, office entrance matting specification will ensure that the product installed will perform to a high standard. A good specification will ensure the effective scraping of dirt and moisture from footwear and will also complement the building’s aesthetic. Many of our products can even incorporate company logos or branding.

It’s important to consider that large commercial office buildings can experience very heavy footfall daily. We have a wide range of products available to suit different levels of footfall, from low to high.

Our expert team will help you to specify the best products for your project, they are also highly experienced specifying office entrance matting for revolving doors and more complex entrance areas.

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